The Top 5 Ways People Break Their Glasses (And How to Avoid Them)

Glasses are an essential part of many people’s lives, enhancing vision and sometimes even becoming a part of our identity. But - as we all know, they can be surprisingly fragile, and certain habits or incidents can lead to their untimely demise. Here are the top five ways people break their glasses and tips on how to avoid these common pitfalls:

1. Sitting On Them

Probably the most common and, let's face it, somewhat embarrassing way people break their glasses is by sitting on them. It's easy to forget your glasses are on the bed, couch, or chair, leading to an unfortunate crunch when you sit down.

Prevention Tip: Make it a habit to always fold your glasses and place them in a protective case when not in use. Also, try to keep them in the same spot, like on a bedside table, so you always know where they are.

2. Leaving Them in High-risk Areas

Glasses left on the edge of a sink, in a lap, or on the car dashboard are prone to falling or getting crushed. High-risk areas are anywhere your glasses can easily be knocked over, stepped on, or subjected to heat.

Prevention Tip: Always be mindful of where you're placing your glasses. Avoid leaving them in places where they can easily be damaged or forgotten.

3. Cleaning Them Improperly

Using a shirttail or paper towel might seem convenient, but these materials can scratch the lenses over time. Similarly, household cleaners can damage lens coatings.

Prevention Tip: Use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaner designed for eyeglasses. Wash the microfiber cloth regularly to keep it free of debris that could scratch the lenses.

4. Not Adjusting Them Properly

Attempting to adjust the frames yourself, especially when they're made of rigid materials, can lead to breakage. This is common when the glasses feel loose or uncomfortable.

Prevention Tip: If your glasses need adjustment, take them to a professional. Most optical stores will adjust them for free or a small fee, ensuring they fit without risking damage.

5. Improper Storage

Tossing glasses into a bag or drawer without a case exposes them to potential harm from keys, pens, and other items. This can lead to scratched lenses, bent frames, or even broken glasses.

Prevention Tip: Invest in a sturdy, hard-shell case and use it whenever you’re not wearing your glasses. For added protection, consider a bag with a dedicated glasses compartment.

Glasses are an investment in your vision and your health, so taking care of them is crucial. By being mindful of these common pitfalls, you can extend the life of your glasses and avoid the inconvenience and expense of replacing them prematurely. Remember, a little care goes a long way in keeping your vision clear and your glasses intact.

With clear vision in sight,

Dennis Dickens, Registered Optician

Owner/Operator, Avenue Optical


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